Our Team

  • Jason Swezey

    Executive Director

    Jason has over fifteen years of ministry and recovery program experience. Before joining NOC, he co-founded The Fix Ministry, a discipleship program for men with life-controlling issues, demonstrating the Gospel's transformative power. Now at NOC, Jason is dedicated to sharing Christ's love in the inner city of Richmond, aiming to impact lives as profoundly as his life has changed. Alongside his wife, Jody, and their four children, Jason is committed to serving the overlooked, fostering a community of recovery, faith, and renewal in Northside.

  • Butch Johnson

    Founder / Thrift Store Manager

    Butch founded the Northside Outreach Center in 2004. Highland Park is Butch’s childhood neighborhood, and his compassion for the community fuels his desire to share the love of Jesus with them. Butch is the Manager of the Thrift Store and continues to volunteer with the Men's Mentoring, Food Pantry, and community outreaches.

  • Forrest Nichols

    Board Member

    Forrest and His wife, Diane, have lived in the Richmond area since 1996. They have three grown children and five beloved grandchildren. Forrest became involved with the NOC in 2010 and joined the Board of Directors in 2023. He and Diane regularly volunteer at the food pantry, Christmas Store, and other community outreaches. Together, they enjoy serving the people in Highland Park physically and spiritually. He believes that his fellow board members are passionate followers of Christ focused on reaching the NOC’s goals.

  • Anthony Witmer

    Board Member

    Anthony, his wife Loisann, and their six children moved to Highland Park in 2022. Before moving to the Richmond area in 2019, they lived in the Bronx in New York City for four years.

    He wants to see the power of Jesus change people's lives and help meet the people's physical needs just as Jesus did. He works as an accounting software support person and programmer.

  • Deborah Fisk

    Board Member

    Deborah's current term on the board started in January 2021. Deborah volunteers with our Community Christmas Store and other community outreaches.

  • Bryon LePere

    Board Member

    Bryon joined the NOC Board in January 2022 and is the Pastor at Gayton Baptist Church. Bryon’s heart is to meet people where they are to love and encourage them towards a redeeming relationship with God. Bryon has a Master Degree of Divinity from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. Bryon and his wife Anna, have two children in college and are lifelong residents of Richmond.

Community Partners

West End Assembly of God